And a recession may even help alleviate what may be at the top of its long list of problems: rampant inflation. 衰退甚至可能有助于印度缓解目前的头号社会问题:严重的通胀。
During the1970s a period of oil-price spikes, rampant inflation and double-digit interest rates the Dow industrials staged several strong rallies, but always fell back again. 在油价飙升、通胀十分严重、利率达到两位数的70年代,道指曾实现过几次有力的反弹,但总是会再度下挫。
When the Spanish pillaged South America and brought the gold and silverback to Europe, there was rampant inflation. 当西班牙掠夺南美,把金银带回欧洲,就产生了恶性通货膨胀。
However, following the oil crisis and rampant inflation of the early1970s, funding constraints reigned in the rest area program. 然而,随着20世纪70年代初的石油危机和愈演愈烈的通货膨胀,资金不足的原因限制了服务区计划。
Rampant inflation means that our wage increases soon become worth nothing. 疯狂的通货膨胀意味着我们加的工资很快变得一钱不值。
India has aggressively raised benchmark interest rates as the central bank tacitly acknowledged that the incremental steps it had taken over the past year to tighten monetary policy had failed to tackle rampant inflation. 印度央行(reservebankofindia)大幅上调基准利率,这等于是默认,它过去一年中采取的收紧货币政策的渐进措施,未能遏制肆虐的通胀。
Rampant wage inflation may create an incentive for private bankers to justify their salaries by being more aggressive about selling products. 大幅度的薪资增长可能会刺激私人银行家更激进地销售产品,以求证明其薪水是合理的。
Some regulators also worried about the potential for rampant inflation. 一些监管者还担心有可能会出现恶性通胀。
The main reason for the upturn in china's export prices is not rampant domestic inflation, but the rise in the yuan. 中国出口价格上升的主要原因并不是恶劣的国内通胀,而是人民币的升值。
More recently, rampant inflation, political corruption and runaway crime have been among other reasons for wealthy people to deposit assets outside their own country as many South Americans will know. 近来,猖獗的通胀、政治腐败和失控的犯罪成为富人把资产存在自己国家之外的原因正如很多南美人所知道的那样。
Chinese policy makers have recently signalled that they recognise the last stimulus led to wasted investment, bad debts, and rampant inflation and that another large package would be a mistake. 中国的政策制定者们最近表示,他们意识到上一轮经济刺激计划导致了投资浪费现象,造成了一些不良债务,并推动了通胀飙升。推出另一轮大型刺激计划将是个错误。
Vietnam announced tough measures to contain rampant inflation yesterday, warning companies they could be prosecuted for passing on higher commodity costs to customers. 越南昨日宣布将采取严厉措施,以遏制失控的通胀。该国警告相关企业,它们可能会因把大宗产品价格上涨的压力转嫁给消费者而面临起诉。
One sliver of positive news from the miners was that rampant cost inflation, which has eaten into earnings and pushed up the cost of major development projects, seems to be abating. 近期与矿产企业相关的一条好消息是,其生产成本迅猛上升的势头似乎正在减弱。
There are not enough qualified workers to go around, causing rampant poaching and extremely fast wage inflation. 到处都缺少合格的员工,这就导致挖墙脚现象猖獗,工资也急速上涨。
That financing last year came at a time when few international banks would go near Vietnam given its economic problems and rampant inflation. 这笔融资发生在去年,当时鉴于越南的经济问题和高通胀,几乎没有一家国际银行愿意接近越南。
Co-ordination is also vital for reducing financial volatility, runs on currencies and rampant inflation as well as for instilling confidence on the part of consumers and investors. 对于抑制金融动荡、货币挤兑和恶性通胀,并让消费者和投资者重拾信心,协作同样至关重要。